
My Company's Listing Is Shown, How Can I Edit It?

...My Company's Listing Is Shown, How Can I Edit It?
It's simple and fast:
1)Go to your listing in the directory...then click edit/renew...
2)Click Retrieve Temporary Edit Code (you'll need an email 
address at your organization or company's site domain to get 
3)After You receive the Temp Code by e-mail, Log in with the 
temporary edit code and change it to your own unique edit 
code. (Please keep this code secure and available for your 
future editing purposes)
3)Log in with your new edit code, and go ahead and edit as 
Note: If the Listing is complimentary, changes must be 
approved before the listing is displayed, typically within 72 

If for any reason the above is unsuccessful in retrieving a 
temporary edit code, please send an e-mail to with your company's details, 
including contact e-mail.

See "Purchasing Listing Options / Advertisements" FAQ for 
information regarding upgrades and payments.

How Do I Change My Banner Advertisement Or Logo Ad?

...Go to your listing within the directory...
Click Edit/Renew...
At the following screen Enter Your Edit Code and Login...
Make any info changes IF required...
Upload the new Logo, Banner or Display Ad...
It's as Simple as that.

If you're listing's advertisement options have expired, you'll 
be sent to the payment page after making changes.

I Want To Change My Banner Ad Every Week, Can I?...

...You can change it as often as you'd like...