
Ads: I Want To Add A New Listing With Advertising Options, 
What Should I Do?

...First, You must agree with all the MaterialsMaine site "Terms 
and Conditions of Use"...then:

1)Go to the category you want to see your listing in...
2)Click "submit or recommend listing"...
3)At the new screen, check "emphasized" or "premium"...
4)Enter all the other listing information...Including displayed e-
mail and displayed contact phone number if desired. Make 
sure to enter complete "description" information, as well. 
5)Be sure to check "Check Here Only if you're the listing's 
representative" AND Be sure to enter your desired edit code 
and to confirm your edit code.
6)Make sure the category that's displayed is correct, or be 
sure to change this to category you want the listing to appear 
7)Enter the security code at the bottom
8)Click "Click Here To Submit Form"

You'll then be redirected to the payment page...

Here you can upload your logo/image and include the banner 
or large display advertisement artwork...and you can check 
and review the listings appearance before you purchase.

After viewing your listing in the detail type view, if it's 
acceptable, click the PayPal "Click Here To Purchase" Button...
As soon as the transaction is completed at PayPal
and we have received electronic confirmation,
Your listing will be displayed with it's advertisement...

Please Remember: Keep your edit code securely and 
available for any future editing requirements. 

Ads: We Would Like To Add Advertisements To Our 
Complimentary Listing. What Should We Do?

...It's pretty straightforward...
First, You must agree to all the MaterialsMaine "Terms and 
Conditions of Use"...
Then, go to your listing in the edit/renew
1)Retrieve a temporary edit code if you haven't already.
2)Login with the temporary edit code and change the temp 
code to your own unique code. 
Keep this new edit code secure and available for future 
editing. The temporary code is no longer valid.
3)Return to the listing and click edit/renew...
4)Login to the Edit function
5)Change your listing's type to emphasized or premium.  
6)If you want a contact telephone number displayed and/or a 
contact e-mail displayed, complete the desired fields.
7)Make sure all information is correct or updated, especially 
regarding the site description.
8)Click "Click to submit above changes or for listing options 
renewal"...You'll be taken to the payment page...

Now you can upload your logo/image and your banner or 
display ad, and preview your listing...if everything is o.k., 
click the PayPal "Click Here to Buy" Button...and You'll be 
sent to PayPal's website where you can complete the 
purchase transaction.
When completed, PayPal will send You back to MaterialsMaine.
After MaterialsMaine receives electronic notice of successful 
payment from PayPal, Your advertisement will be displayed.

What Are Acceptable Image Types For Logo / Images and for 
Banner or Display Advertisements?

...Jpg Image file Format Is maintained on the server and 
Displayed. Uploads of Jpg, Gif or Png file types are 

Logo Ad or Small Pictures: 140px x 140px (h x w x pixels)
22.6kb or kilobyte maximum file size.

Banner Advertisement: 100px x 640px (h x w x pixels)
45kb or kilobyte maximum file size.  

Display Advertisement: 200px x 640px (h x w x pixels)
75kb or kilobyte maximum file size. 

Images uploaded within the exact height x width dimensions 
above, will be displayed "as is" the original, without 

Images uploaded that are larger or smaller than the exact 
dimensions above, will be resized to fit cleanly within the 
picture frame. 

Also, if you want to assure your image displays exactly as the 
original, prepare it within the exact image sizes as detailed 

If you have any trouble uploading an image, 
please check these first:

a)file type: must be .jpg, .gif or png only
b)file kb size: make sure file size is not too large.
c)are you trying to upload a banner using the logo button?
c)file name: if the file name is complicated, like: 
try making a copy and change it's name to something simple:
like image.jpg 
(not having extra or additional characters) and try to upload it 

Payments: What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

...We Accept Most Major Credit Cards, Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, 
Discover, and Certain Electronic Payment Transfer Methods, 
as provided by PayPal, the online payment service we 
utilize. This includes accepting the actual PayPal method of 
payment, too.

Payments: How Secure Is PayPal, The Payment Service 
Provider You Utilize?

...Founded in 1998, PayPal, an eBay Company, enables any 
individual or business with an email address to securely, 
easily and quickly send and receive payments online. 
PayPal's service builds on the existing financial infrastructure 
of bank accounts and credit cards and utilizes the world's 
most advanced proprietary fraud prevention systems to 
create a safe, global, real-time payment solution.

PayPal has quickly become a global leader in online payment 
solutions with 100 million account members worldwide. 
Available in 103 countries and regions around the world, 
buyers and sellers on eBay, online retailers, online 
businesses, as well as traditional offline businesses are 
transacting with PayPal. 

PayPal has received close to 20 awards for technical 
excellence from the internet industry and the business 
community at large -most recently the 2003 Webby Award for 
Best Finance Site and the 2003 Webby People's Voice Award 
for Best Finance Site.

Located in San Jose, California, PayPal was acquired by eBay 
Inc. in October, 2002.

Click Here to visit PayPal's Security Center


Payments: How Does The Payment Process Work? Is My 
Information Secure?...

...When you decide to purchase directory listing options, either 
at listing submittal or at a later date, after completing the 
required form, you are sent to a page having a "PayPal Click 
Here To Buy" Button...

That same page shows any information that we may maintain 
about does NOT include your credit card, financial or 
bank account information, ONLY your name and e-mail 
address, and the complete listing details as will be displayed 
within the MaterialsMaine directory.

When You Click the PayPal Button, You are directly sent to 
PayPal's website...and utilizing PayPal's "SSL" or "secure 
socket layer" technology and safeguards, You then enter 
your "buyer" and PayPal or Major Credit Card or purchasing 
information, and PayPal securely processes the transaction, 
utilizing PayPal's own web services and security technologies.

Note: The "buyer" pays no processing fees to PayPal, only 
incurring charges of the cost of the actual purchase price, and 
any taxes that may apply.

When the payment transaction is completed, PayPal then 
sends a notification to us that the transaction is complete, 
having the amount of payment, the date, the listing's I.D. and 
a generated payment I.D....

No Information beyond your name and e-mail, and the 
listing's information itself, is EVER obtained or held by 
MaterialsMaine Publishing Co., Inc., itself. 
This of course helps to keep your transactions secure, and to 
maintain peace of mind. 

When the payment transaction is complete, PayPal then sends 
you back to the MaterialsMaine website.

If an error or cancelation occurs during payment, you will be 
returned to MaterialsMaine website, with appropriate 

Considered prudent practice, MaterialsMaine Publishing will 
NEVER directly ask you for any credit or financial information, 
either at our website or through any form of e-mail, mail, 
telephone, personal or any other form of contact. 

Accordingly, NEVER answer any such request for financial 
information, and please contact us immediately if any request 
for your financial information, purporting to be from 
MaterialsMaine, ever occurs!.

Payments: Does MaterialMain Publishing Company Ever 
Ask Me For Financial Or Credit Information?

...Considered prudent practice, MaterialsMain Publishing will 
NEVER directly ask you for any credit or financial information, 
either at our website or through any form of e-mail, mail, 
telephone, personal or any other form of contact. 

Accordingly, NEVER answer any such request for financial 
information, and please contact us immediately if any request 
for your financial information, purporting to be from 
MaterialsMaine, ever occurs!.

Refunds: Does MaterialsMain Publishing Offer Refunds? 
What Is Your Refund Policy?

...MaterialsMain Publishing Company, Inc, prefers for all our 
customers to be satisfied, and will try to work with everyone 
to achieve their advertising goals with full satisfaction. If this 
for some reason can not be achieved, and the customer 
prefers and request a refund, the following refund policy 
applies to ALL purchases of advertising services, options, etc., 
from MaterialsMain Publishing Co., Inc.:

Upon notification within ten days of the actual purchase date, 
MaterialsMaine will cancel any directory listing options (logo, 
display, banner advertisements, etc) and will refund the 
original purchaser an amount equal to 90 percent of the full 
purchase price. 
This amounts to a 10% cancellation fee, necessary to 
compensate for services used, financial transaction 
processing fees, and for expended time and labor.

Upon notification within any time during the next 50 days (as 
roughly equal to from 10 days to within the first two months 
after purchase) of the actual purchase date, MaterialsMaine will 
cancel any directory listing options (logo, display, banner 
advertisements, etc) and will refund the original purchaser an 
amount equal to 75 percent of the full purchase price. 
This amounts to a 25% cancellation fee, necessary to 
compensate for services used, financial transaction 
processing fees, and for expended time and labor.

Upon notification within any time during the next 60 days (as 
roughly equal to from two months to four months after 
purchase) of the actual purchase date, MaterialsMaine will 
cancel any directory listing options (logo, display, banner 
advertisements, etc) and will refund the original purchaser an 
amount equal to 50 percent of the full purchase price. 
This amounts to a 50% cancellation fee, necessary to 
compensate for services used, financial transaction 
processing fees, and for expended time and labor.
This Refund Policy Also Applies To Rejected Listings and 
Associated Purchases.
In the event a Listing is submitted, and the Listing and/or the 
attached advertising materials are not considered approriate 
for the website (within site Terms and Conditions and 
MaterialsMain Publishing Co. Inc.'s sole discretion) the 
purchaser will be requested to submit suitable replacement 
advertising materials for publication.  
If the purchaser does not or will not submit materials that are 
deemed suitable, (within site Terms and Conditions and 
MaterialsMain Publishing Co. Inc.'s sole discretion) the 
purchase will then be considered canceled by the purchaser, 
and the purchase amount will be refunded within the 
stipulations of the above refund policy.


Refunds: What If My Listing Is Rejected? What Is Your 
Refund Policy Then?

...The MaterialsMain Publishing Co. Inc., Refund Policy Also 
Applies To Rejected Listings and Associated Purchases.
In the event a Listing is submitted, and the Listing and/or the 
attached advertising materials are not considered approriate 
for the website (within site Terms and Conditions and 
MaterialsMain Publishing Co. Inc.'s sole discretion) the 
purchaser will be requested to submit suitable replacement 
advertising materials for publication.  
If the purchaser does not or will not submit materials that are 
deemed suitable, (within site Terms and Conditions and 
MaterialsMain Publishing Co. Inc.'s sole discretion) the 
purchase will then be considered canceled by the purchaser, 
and the purchase amount will be refunded within the 
stipulations of the MaterialsMain Publishing Co., Inc. refund 